LLG Mourns One of Our Own

By on Jun 5, 2018 in Uncategorized | 0 comments


FEBRUARY 18, 1930 – MAY 18, 2018

On Friday May 18, 2018 Seymour (“Sy”) Levin passed away at the age of 88.

Lipschultz Levin & Gray, LLC proudly bears Seymour’s name as one of its founding partners. We extend our deepest condolences to his two children: Gene (who is himself a member of the LLG team) and Julie, and to their spouses Amy and Robert, to all Seymour’s grandchildren and the entire Levin family.

Seymour was a wonderful and devoted family man, an accomplished athlete, an attorney, and a veteran of the Korean War, but I want you all to know that Seymour was also exceptional in his business life, a very fine accountant and trusted business advisor. He had an insightful mind, able to pierce through complexity to get at the root of a problem and the required solution.

He had two crucially important traits that cannot be learnt or feigned:

Firstly, he was calm and consistent. From time to time matters can get pretty intense in an accounting firm. We are dealing with peoples’ finances, their net worth, their income, their businesses, their livelihoods. Matters sometimes get heated. Seymour dealt with all the challenging events that a career in public accounting requires in a calm, thoughtful, respectful and relaxed way. He thought through issues with a clarity and sense of purpose that others can only hope to achieve and he delivered his advice in clear practical terms. He made it look easy, but it’s not. That consistency and level headedness was apparent out of the office too – on the golf course every shot went straight up the middle, maddeningly so if he wasn’t on your team. On the tennis court every shot had precision. At the bridge table his concentration and focus was complete.

Secondly, Seymour was authentic and humble. The Seymour Levin we saw in the office was the same man with his family, or on the golf course or the tennis court or seated at the bridge table. There was no arrogance, none at all, though someone with his skills could easily have been forgiven the odd display. There was never ever the slightest hint of ego, or conceit or rudeness or abruptness.

Seymour Levin was a good and gracious man and we are humbled to have known and worked with him.  Seymour was more than a gentleman, he was a gentle man. We will deeply miss seeing him around our office.

We lost a good one on Friday, May 18. May his dear soul rest in peace.

William H. Finestone, Managing Partner